Some time ago I was asked (about my beard) “how long are you going to let that thing grow?” I replied that I thought it had about maxed out, which it seems to do after 3 or 4 months.

I immediately think of a constrained random walk model for beard growth and

forget about it. Still, I usually hit a point where the beard makes a nuisance of itself and something has to give. We had our first frost last night, and it felt very nippy doing the chores. I’ve already had a few beard-zipper conflicts with various coats and went, hmmm. I decided to fire up the old Woodmaster tonight, and after flipping a breaker and adjusting various valves in the basement, started a nice blaze in the thing. There was a smell I couldn’t immediately place. Perhaps a bit of plastic in with the wood? Of course the tip of the beard had been licked by an over-exuberant flame and fused into a kinky mess. So maybe it’s time to trim the beard….