3D with Lytro!

I haven’t been paying as much attention as it deserves, but Lytro has provided two updates to its software that completely fulfill its promise. Jeesh.  I wrote earlier ( https://www.jjmcclintock.com/?p=104 )that Lytro had to offer two things the lightfield tech is capable of but wasn’t yet delivering:  deep focus, and the ability to generate stereo … Read more

Hopes for Lytro

I was one of the ones who pre-ordered a Lytro pretty much as soon as the product was announced last year (http://blog.lytro.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Lytro-Camera-Launch-Press-Release-10-19-11.pdf). I immediately took a bunch of shots, and immediately thought, “this is, right now, a one-trick pony”.   By the way, if there are big gaps in the post, the lytro plugin seems … Read more